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Visiting of the Measurement and Evaluation Center

Date : 19 May 2024

Visiting of the Measurement and Evaluation Center

The second workshop is entitled “LaTex- Document Preparation” “Preparing research and scientific theses by using the LaTex method.”

Date : 19 Feb 2024

The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology - Beni Suef University has the honor to invite you to attend a workshop presented by the Institute of Laser Research and Applications The second workshop is entitled “LaTex-Document Preparation” Preparing research and scientific theses by using the LaTex method

Young leaders (Leaders of tomorrow)

Date : 5 Dec 2023

Participation of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology in a camp for preparing young leaders in Egyptian universities

Participation of the College of Applied Health Sciences Technology in the Holy Quran Competition

Date : 7 Nov 2023

Participation of the College of Applied Health Sciences Technology in the Holy Quran Competition

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جميع الحقوق محفوظه جامعة بني سويف @2022
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